Feed the Bees in Winter

Grow these Plants!

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Course Summary

Help feed the bees when food is scarce – in the winter! This presentation focuses on plants that bloom in the winter months of the Southwest when both nectar and pollen are otherwise scarce. Many of the plants featured are also low-water native plants that can be found relatively easily in regional nurseries. Award-winning garden writer Dr. Jacqueline Soule will discuss and show images of some of a range of winter blooming landscape plants that do well here.

Course Curriculum

southwest garden guide

Dr. Jacqueline A. Soule

is a long-time Southwest desert gardener and award-winning garden writer, with over a dozen published books, all on gardening or using the products of the garden.  She is a popular newspaper and magazine columnist (for decades) and her free-lance work appears in national publications.  Along with writing books, she is an active blogger, and hosts the Gardening With Soule Membership Club.

For over 30 years, Jacqueline has been offering lectures and community classes on gardening - and ways to live lightly on this earth. She is a popular speaker with green industry professionals, garden groups, and in other venues.  She is listed in Great Garden Speakers.

Dr. Soule has a B.S. in Plant Sciences and a B.S. in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona both with Honors and Cum Laude, a M.S. in Botany from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. in Botany from the University of Texas. Her post-doc work was at Washington State University. Combine this cross-country experience with summers in Vermont and an internship at the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia, and this means she has gardened in almost every corner of the USA!  This also means that she can help you better understand how unique gardening here is here in the desert - and how to shift your gardening practices to succeed with your gardening goals here in the Land of El Sol.

Ellen S.


Whenever we can, we invite Dr. Soule to speak at our library.  She is knowledgable, fun, and always well prepared.  She knows the science and shares it in a way that doesn't talk down - just a friend sharing cool information.

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